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Has life put a lot of mileage on you? Are you weighed down by the toll it has taken? Are you weary? Are you troubled? Do you feel hopeless? There is hope of forgiveness in Jesus.

God is in control and we can trust Him fully.

Jesus is a balm for the Gospel-hungry soul. Jesus is our only hope and our soul’s rest.

Does God's Word inspire thankfulness in your heart?

Jesus loves you because He made you, chose you, and saved you; not because of your good behavior.

Secret Disciples need to come into the light of day.

God doesn't do White Elephant Christmas or Choose-Your-Own-Gift. God doesn't fulfill your selfish requests. God gives what you need.

The stones are on standby in case we don’t do what we were made to do.

A poem about Jesus.

The only Savior always delivers.

Expositional living is living that is centered on reading the Word, finding out the explanation of a passage, and applying that to daily life. That is done in context of following Jesus and in the context of the particular passage. That should be a less self-centered way of living. It is very easy to jump around from need to need and text to text and just seek to have our needs met. Expositional living puts the focus on Jesus Christ and him crucified, risen, and returning. Seize the glory of God is our highest aim.

It is so easy to come to worship with the mindset of a critical consumer rather than a Christ-honoring contributor.

Christ's Lordship transforms us into free radicals. Free in Christ to live radically for Jesus and the Gospel.

A Goapel-infused poem/hymn/song that expresses a longing for Jesus to return.

God's people share God's mission. We may not always feel, look, or act like it, but when God reconciled us to Himself through Christ we became ambassadors for Christ in a very needy world (2 Cor. 5:17-21).

Sin is not worth the loss of all things. Only Jesus is.

I'm really glad people interact with other people in friendly ways and give them little cards with Bible verses on them to point them to faith in Christ. I'm glad that we have the freedom and I'm glad that God puts it on the hearts of many to step outside their selfish bubble and reach out with the love of Jesus.

I need Jesus every moment.

Beautiful Savior.

It's so easy to get wrapped up in things that really don't matter all that much.

At the end of the day, when all is said and done, and we are taking our rest, what will make any difference, what will be the significance, what will matter most? Not what I have said and done, not what I have determined, not what I have called significant, not what I deemed as matter-some. Because I am a child of the King of the Universe.

As a pastor I often have the privilege of meeting with people are dealing with questions that are not easily answered. They need to process their thoughts, and I am given the privilege to engage those thoughts. I do so because I care. My God-given calling, my vocation, my reason to care, is simply stated, for Jesus and the Gospel and the good of all people. I do not perfectly fulfill my calling, but most of the time I do embrace it eagerly.

Tag-team preaching is not the norm. At best, it is a once-in-a-long-while way to present a unified front to a congregation and expose them to the entire pastor/elder leadership team in concentrated form. In the month of May at Grace Orange you'll hear our team preaching our new vision.

Here's my story of why my mailbox reminds me daily of something really important, a ministry that is often ignored, looked down upon and thought unimportant or just impossible.

Malachi 2:17-3:6 is all about a faithful Father (God) graciously dealing with His foolish children (His covenant people).

The very bright and powerful hope of the gospel is that lasting life change is really possible. The finished work of Christ at the Cross means that restarts can and actually do happen by the miraculous working of God.

Do you think 'born again' Christians come across as obnoxious, self righteous, hypocritical and weirdly fanatical about non-essential things? I do too. I am one and am guilty of all those things and more.

What do born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ really really want?

Tomorrow is a worrier so you don't have to be.

God is the giver of life. We must stand for life.

How is a Christian to view death? It helps to start with how a Christian is to view life.

How is it that praise to God for His saving acts on our behalf can so quickly turn to complaining against Him because we do not get what we want? How quickly God's people forget. How quickly the idol factory gets back to business.

We are on the brink of a brand new year. We are about to turn the page on the calendar and add a new number to the date. We are one moment closer to Jesus' return or our promotion. We are another second, minute, hour, day, month, and year closer to closing up shop here on earth. We are one step closer to Home.

No one is talking about the condition of your soul, except marketing directors and ad execs of course.

In the midst of holiday stress, God intervenes v

What do you do with a life filled with pain and misery? How about the person who expresses no need for God? How about the one who like a train to nowhere wanders aimlessly; or the one who recycles trouble like a continuous loop, an unbroken circle of missing links? Where do you point the person, the couple, the family, or even the church or community that seems to have lost their way, seems like they have hit a dead-end?

What does God's grace lead to?

The wonders of sovereign grace and gospel transformation.

Going to the Cross Jesus' life was innocent, devalued and hated. We were guilty, puffed up and self-absorbed.

Ten things that, if practiced , will transform your life.

The denier denied his denial. But God is faithful.

Jesus, Judas, Betrayal, Sin. It's easy to condemn Judas. God does. Think about it. He was a weed among the wheat, a wolf among the sheep, a fake among the real, a pretender, an imposter, he was acting. He wasn't the real deal. A pawn in Satan's hand. Jesus pronounced Woe on him. "The Son of man goes as it has been decreed, but woe to the one by whom He is betrayed." (Luke 22:22).

What can you do out of a heart of loving devotion to Jesus?

Cost-cutting measures don't fit into God's sovereign plans.

God made evil boomerang on itself at the cross. It was forced by man but foreordained by God.

Some people get disillusioned and say this Jesus thing doesn't work. It's because they are walking around with only half a gospel.

Repentance is ongoing heart work. It is a way of life enabled by the Holy Spirit.

All people should turn from their sins and trust in Jesus Christ.

Every Christian needs to know with assurance that God is in control.

We serve for God's pleasure and glory.

We should take time to grasp and savor the true significance of Easter.

South Africa 2013 Recap of Days 9-14

Update from Mike and the South Africa Team

What's happening in South Africa? Check it out!

God cleanses repentant hearts and changes their lives.