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“A Christian’s Prayer for Clear Thinking, Loving Engagement, & Biblical Clarity”

Lord, we live in confusing times where lies are peddled as truth, and truth is pushed away, yet You are not confused. Your covenant promises are true. The rainbow and the womb and all souls are Yours. The twisting of Your Scriptures will be judged. You will judge, we must love. Please grant Your people clear thinking, loving engagement, and Biblical clarity.

Lord, You are the King of all, the Lord most high, Ruler of heaven and earth. You alone have power to change times and seasons and dictate the boundaries of everyone’s existence. You alone are sovereign and perfect. Lord, I worship You want to please You.

Lord, please protect my mind from the barrage of lies that come from a godless culture that seeks to obliterate every vestige and reminder of You. By Your Spirit, through Your Word, for Your glory, change my heart and anchor Your Word deep in the recesses of my soul. Please grant me clear thinking in a murky world.

I am Yours forever Lord, You chose me before the foundation of the world, You knitted me together in my mother’s womb, and You saved me in Your perfect timing, bringing the dead to life, giving me new life, transforming me. You continue to change me more into the image of Christ.

May I be in sync with You and Your glorious design. As You renew my mind, give me love for every person such that I truly love. I pray that the love that I display will be the love that comes only from You, love that accepts people for who they are but does not accept sin, selfishness, and blasphemy. May Your sovereign choosing love drive my sacrificial choosing love.

Love through me Lord God, such that while I make no distinction between people, I point people to Jesus the only savior and Your Word the only trustworthy compass.  May I humbly, gently, and lovingly engage with others, clearly showing forth in my life and words the worth of knowing You and ordering life by Your standards.

When I am with those who are living contrary to Your design and rejecting Your Word, may there be no condemnation from me, but may truth flow clearly from my lips and may my life match up with it. Please give me Biblical clarity in the words I say that point them to the living hope You have granted me. May I speak in accord with Your Word clearly and lovingly.

May others see You in me, such that they come to a crossroads and realize that they are either living or perishing. May they grapple with gospel truth. May I speak Your Word without apology. May they hear a clear gospel message. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You. May I be a God-pleaser, not a people pleaser. Please use me to help them see that You are real.

I can love because You first loved me. May Your love flow freely from me to others. Help me remember that loving all people does not mean agreeing, accepting, or acquiescing to ungodliness; it means choosing to align with and obey Your truth by Your grace, in Your strength, and for Your glory, no matter the cost. 

Lord, strengthen and empower Your Church for these days. You have put us here for such a time as this. May we redeem the time, as instruments of Your redeeming love, grace, and mercy. Open hardened hearts to Your gospel truth. I pray all this because of who You are and what You do Jesus. Amen.