Death is a Preacher: Life-Lessons from a Funeral
November 6, 2020
In Ecclesiastes 7:1-6 we see that death is a preacher giving us crucial life-lessons. We do not eagerly anticipate funerals, yet we learn from them.
7 life-lessons from a funeral:
- Realize how much your reputation matters. Do not let Christ’s name be blasphemed.
- Know why death is better than birth. A Christian’s deathday is God’s promise fulfilled.
- Grasp the full effects of the Fall. Every funeral anticipates your own.
- Live in light of death and eternity. A Christian rejoices in Christ’s presence.
- Treasure comforting Christian community. Yearn to be with your family in Christ.
- Receive loving rebuke as a gift. Listen to those who speak the truth in love.
- Determine to die well in light of the Gospel. You only die well if you find life in Christ.
My dear friends, please take these things to heart as you seek to be satisfied by God’s sovereignty.