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A godly father figure is a good thing. He teaches his family the Bible and prays with them. He cares for them and provides for them. He makes sacrifices for them. He shows his love in many ways. When he acts, he does so in the best interests of his family. He protects them from harmful influences. Most importantly, he prays for them. He brings them before the throne of grace. 

Jesus is like a father to His children. When He acts, He does so in the best interests of His family. He protects them from harmful influences. Most importantly, He intercedes for them. He brings them before the Father and showers them with grace. Jesus went to the cross and sacrificed Himself in their place. He died for those He created, chose, and called and is now changing them into the people He intends them to be. He is working for His glory and their good. 

Be praying for an open heart, for receptivity to what God gives, that you will receive joyfully what He provides.

1 Comment

man how nice it is to have you as a brother in Christ-
words can't express how sweet it is-
thanks for being there everyday-
we love you-

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