Fatherhood Moment: The Trials of Family Time for Young Families
November 7, 2020 Looking to Jesus blog
God intends for Christian parents to teach their children the Word of God, systematically reading through Scripture and explaining it to them, teaching them the faith from the earliest age and praying in dependence on the Lord. God designed it so that children hear the Word of God in their own parent’s voice. Deuteronomy chapter 6, Psalm 78, Ephesians chapter 6, all address this simple yet profound truth. This is a daily discipline that is the privilege of Christian parents. While it is often neglected, it is of upmost importance and one of the primary responsibilities of a Christian father.
For the man that resolves to do this, while it is not easy, it will bear significant fruit for the glory of God and good of your household. Yet, there are challenges, especially when you have young children in your home. It is not easy nor does it hardly ever look perfect. In fact, it can be downright discouraging for the father who determines to initiate times in the Word and prayer with his family, but finds it tough going in terms of short attention spans, lack of understanding, or other issues that present themselves. All I can say is yes, that is true. Here are some some simple encouragements for you:
- Resolve to read the Word and pray with your household daily, gathering together to worship God.
- Rely on the Lord and pray for strength and endurance as you fulfill this most important task.
- Resist the temptation to quit when things get tough, press on and trust God to bless your efforts.
- Remember your brothers, pray for one another, and encourage each other to continue in this quest to evangelize and disciple the children God blesses us with.
When your children are young it is the perfect time to teach them the Word of God and pray in your home. While it is very challenging and tough at such a young age, it’s not as if things get easier, there will always be temptations, challenges, and barriers to the best things in the Christian life. this necessitates our whole hearted trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.