November 15, 2009
The Golden Rule: What Jesus Really Wants from You
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 7:12
The Golden Rule: What Jesus Really Wants from You (Matthew 7:12)
Discussion Questions for Groups
Read Matthew 7:7-12 together
- What struck you the most from Matt. 7:12 and the sermon?
- Which do you most often live by and why? The golden, silver, bronze or rusty metal rule?
- With regard to your relationship with your brothers and sisters in Christ, how do you deal with the disconnect between how you are sometimes treated and how God expects you to treat others?
- With regard to those outside God’s family, how do you deal with the reality that most people misunderstand the motives of Christians and don’t understand God’s truth?
- Talk about God’s sovereignty in light of human responsibility. Where does Matt. 7:12 come into play?