Online Giving
January 31, 2010

Responding to Christ’s Authority

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 7:28–7:29

Responding to Christ’s Authority (Matthew 7:28-29)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What was the reaction to Jesus’ teaching?
  2. What are some of your reactions to Jesus’ teaching? Immediate belief and obedience? A period of skepticism then acceptance? Wholehearted agreement? Questioning? Amazement? Other?
  3. How was Jesus different than the scribes? Why?
  4. What aspect of Christ’s authority and identity most stretches your thinking? Are you confused about? Makes you want to praise Him?
  5. Which of the 3 assurances did you most need to hear today? Which are you most skeptical of? Which blows your mind the most and why?
  6. What about Matthew 7:28-29 (or the entire Sermon on the Mount for that matter) do you most want to share with others?
  7. Interact with this quote from John Stott: “Only when the Christian community lives by Christ’s manifesto will the world be attracted and God be glorified.” Agree or disagree? Why?