SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 2 Character
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: SENT Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 10:5–10:16
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 2 Character (Matthew 10:5-16)
Discussion Questions:
Read Matthew 10:5-16
- Where were the apostles being sent? (vv. 5-6) Where has God sent (or placed) you?
- What were they to do? (vv. 7-8) What have you been called by God to do?
- How were they to do it? (vv. 9-10)
- How were they to respond to the receptive ones? (vv. 11-13) How do you engage the receptive ones?
- How were they to respond to the rejecting ones? (vv. 13-14) How do you find yourself responding to those who reject the gospel?
- Who do you know that displays godly character? What about them that proves it? How was it was developed in their lives?
- In what areas of life do strengths and flaws in your character most show themselves?
- What does it mean to be as wise as a serpent? Is that a good or bad thing?
- What does it mean to be as innocent as a dove? Does that describe you?
other sermons in this series
Nov 7
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 6 Reward
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 10:40–10:42 Series: SENT
Oct 31
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 5 Crucifixion
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 10:34–10:39 Series: SENT
Oct 24
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 4 Courage
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 10:24–10:33 Series: SENT