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October 10, 2010

SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 2 Character

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: SENT Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 10:5–10:16

SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 2 Character (Matthew 10:5-16)

Discussion Questions:

Read Matthew 10:5-16

  1. Where were the apostles being sent? (vv. 5-6) Where has God sent (or placed) you?
  2. What were they to do? (vv. 7-8) What have you been called by God to do?
  3. How were they to do it? (vv. 9-10)
  4. How were they to respond to the receptive ones? (vv. 11-13) How do you engage the receptive ones?
  5. How were they to respond to the rejecting ones? (vv. 13-14) How do you find yourself responding to those who reject the gospel?
  6. Who do you know that displays godly character? What about them that proves it? How was it was developed in their lives?
  7. In what areas of life do strengths and flaws in your character most show themselves?
  8. What does it mean to be as wise as a serpent? Is that a good or bad thing?
  9. What does it mean to be as innocent as a dove? Does that describe you?

other sermons in this series

Nov 7


Oct 31


Oct 24