Online Giving
January 16, 2011

Doing Good: Always Right

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 12:9–12:15

Doing Good: Always Right (Matthew 12:9-14)

Discussion Questions:

  1. We have probably all been guilty of ignoring a real need, maybe even for what we considered good reasons. Think of an instance where you have done this. What were your reasons based on? Were they valid or not? How does understanding Matthew 12:9-14 inspire you to think and act the same or differently?
  2. Can you think of any situations where it would be valid to withhold doing the "good" someone expects of you to accomplish a greater good?
  3. What is the true, godly, "biblical", good response to those who plot evil?
  4. What prayer requests do you have relating to your hearing and doing what Jesus teaches in Matthew 12:9-14?