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March 20, 2011

Parables: Pt. 1 The Sower

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Parables Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 13:1–13:9

Parables: Pt. 1 The Sower (Matthew 13:1-9)

Discussion Questions:

Read Matthew 13:1-9

  1. What is a parable and why did Jesus use them?
  2. How is this first parable in Matthew an introduction to the others?
  3. What truths does this first parable present?
  4. What does it mean to have ears to hear (v. 9)?


other sermons in this series

Jul 3


Parables: Pt. 9 The Equipped and Engaged Disciple

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 13:51–13:52 Series: Parables

Jun 26


Parables: Pt. 8 The Reality of Hell

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 13:47–13:50 Series: Parables

Jun 5


Parables: Pt. 7 Hidden Treasure, Costly Pearl

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 13:44–13:46 Series: Parables