Worthy is the Lamb

January 8, 2012 Speaker: Brian Zuniga Series: Associate Pastors

Topic: Associate Pastors Passage: Revelation 5:1–14

Worthy is the Lamb (Revelation 5)

Discussion Questions

  1. John wept because he thought he was not going to be able to find out what was in the scroll. How much do you look forward to heaven? How can you look forward to it more?
  2. The titles ascribed to Jesus in this passage were linked to both Judah and David. Does your family have a long history faithfulness and Christ-likeness? Who do you most want to emulate in your family? What qualities do they posses that you would like to see more of in yourself? If there isn't anyone, what can you do to ensure that the coming generations will be different?
  3. Jesus opened the scrolls because he had conquered. In what ways has Christ been a conqueror in your life? How do you balance trying to shed the sin in your own life with the knowledge that Christ has already conquered sin on your behalf?
  4. The four living creatures are described in Revelation 4:6-8. What aspects of God's creation cause you to be most in awe of Him? Is there anything that seems especially creative or that always drives you to wonder at God's power and ability?
  5. The host in heaven sang primarily about God's worthiness. If you were to write a song about an attribute of God, which would you chose? Why is that attribute particularly special to you?


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