Living a Life of Love and Light

February 5, 2012 Series: Missions

Topic: Guest Speaker Passage: Ephesians 5:1–5:16

Living a Life of Love and Light (Ephesians 5:1-16)

Discussion Questions

  1. Is there anyone against whom I hold a grudge? Anyone I dislike to hear praised or well spoken of? Am I bitter, resentful, or jealous? Do I allow anything to justify a wrong attitude toward another?
  2. Have I failed to seek the lost for Christ? Have I failed to witness consistently with my mouth for Jesus? Do my friends know I am a Christian? When is the last time I befriended someone in order to share Christ?
  3. Am I really honest? Do I cheat? Do I steal? Am I generous with my possessions?
  4. Am I taken up with the cares of this life? Is my conversation or heart joy over “things” rather than the Lord and His Word? Does anything mean more to me than living for and pleasing Christ?
  5. Do I feel like I am doing quite well as a Christian? That I am not so bad and that God is lucky to have me? That I am good enough? Do I insist on having my own way? If people don’t notice me, do I get hurt? Is life about me?


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