A View from a Cross Town: Jesus' Heart for Jerusalem
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: A View from a Cross Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 23:37–23:39
A View from a Cross Town: Jesus' Heart for Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37-39)
Discussion Questions:
- What are the things that make for peace and how can they become a reality in your life? (James 3:13-18)
- How are being “clothed” with Christ’s righteousness and walking in the Spirit related? (Rom. 8:1-8; Gal. 5:16-26; Phil. 3:8-11; 2 Cor. 5:21)
- How is what Paul said in Acts 18:1-11 similar to what Jesus said in Matthew 23:37-39?
- What does it mean to lose your life for Christ’s sake and how are we fighting against God when we insist on our rights? (Matt. 10:34-39; 16:24-28; Luke 17:33; Phil. 2:11)
other sermons in this series
Mar 31
A View From a Cross: He Died That We Might Live
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:14–5:15 Series: A View from a Cross