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September 29, 2013

The Reconciling Work of Christ

Series: The Undiluted Gospel Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Colossians 1:21–1:23

The Reconciling Work of Christ (Colossians 1:21-23)

Discussion Questions:

  1. The passage describes a big difference between what a Christian is like before and after being reconciled to God. In what ways can you tell that God has changed you?
  2. Jesus had to die in order for you to be reconciled before God. Does sin feel as serious to you as the Bible makes it out to be?
  3. You have been presented holy, blameless, and above reproach. How should these truths affect the way you live, worship God, or interact with Him?
  4. Does the "if" clause in verse 23 make you nervous at all? Is the faith and hope that you have unwavering? What can be done if you feel like you are not as confident as you'd like to be in this area?

other sermons in this series

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