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November 10, 2013

The Death of Christ: A Sovereign Blessing

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: The Undiluted Gospel Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 27:45–27:56

The Death of Christ: A Sovereign Blessing (Matthew 27:45-56)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why did Christ have to die?
  2. What is the significance of the supernatural phenomena and testimonies that accompanied His death?
  3. In light of the centrality and purpose of Christ's death, why is our appropriation of it so crucial? How do we participate in His death?

other sermons in this series

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The Great C3 (3rd service)

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: The Undiluted Gospel

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The Great C3 (1st service)

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 28:16–28:20 Series: The Undiluted Gospel

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