Online Giving
September 9, 2018

The Sacred Word 2 Tim. 3:14-4:4

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: The Word of God Topic: The Sacred Word Passage: 2 Timothy 3:14– 4:4

Discussion Questions
Read 2 Tim. 2:15; 3:10-4:4; Rom. 1:1-6; 15:4; 16:25-27

1. What do you think it is about us that makes it difficult for us to engage daily?
2. What is it about the Word of God that captivates our souls?
3. Why is it necessary to eat God’s Word continually? Why are large doses of the Word good? Why are small doses of the Word good?
4. Why is it so important for a preacher to read, explain, and apply the Word and for the hearers to hear, understand, and obey the Word?
5. What safeguards has God put in place so that we would not be imposters or do evil or accumulate for ourselves teachers who will tickle our ears?
6. What truth about the Word of God encourages your heart the most? What have you found is most helpful and enables you to foster a life of doing the Word not just hearing it?
7. How did the Spirit-given and Spirit-applied Word affect your justification? How is it affecting and shaping your sanctification? How does it assure you regarding your glorification?