Online Giving
December 23, 2018

Who Is This Baby? Matt. 1:18-25

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Christmas Sermons Topic: Holiday Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does Jesus being a real man encourage believers? (Heb. 4:14-16)
  2. Can a Christian, who knows the Bible’s teaching, reject the virgin birth? (1 John 4:1-4)
  3. How significant is it that God named Jesus? (Matt. 1:21)
  4. How many prophesies can you identify that were fulfilled in the Incarnation?
  5. Why is it absolutely necessary that Jesus is God? (John 1:1, 14; Col. 1:15-20; Heb. 1:3)
  6. How does Jesus induce our obedience? (John 14:15, 15:10; 2 Cor. 5:14-15)

other sermons in this series

Dec 24


Dec 17


Christ's Joy in His People Zephaniah 3:14-17

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Zephaniah 3:14–17 Series: Christmas Sermons