Why God Saves Gentiles Romans 11:11-24
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Romans Topic: Romans Passage: Romans 11:11–24
Discussion Questions:
- When is envy good? How does a godly Christian example lead unbelievers to good envy of what believers have?
- When is a Christian’s example bad? What might cause you to be proud or arrogant against unbelievers? Is it ever warranted? Why or why not?
- We know God is kind, but how is He severe? What evidence of God‘s kindness do you see in your life? What is God’s “severity”? How is God severe?
- What does it mean to be in awe of God? What Scriptures depict that most clearly to you? How would you express your transformed life, your humility, and your awe of God’s kindness and severity in your own words?
other sermons in this series
Nov 24
Giving all the Glory to God - Romans 16:25-27
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Romans 16:25–27 Series: Romans
Nov 17
Nov 10
Gospel Partnership, Family Love Romans 16:1-16
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Romans 16:1–16 Series: Romans