A Timely Burst of Praise Romans 11:33-36
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Romans Topic: Romans Passage: Romans 11:33–36
Discussion Questions:
1. How do we navigate our propensity to think too little of God and too much of ourselves? How can it be corrected? What response does God expect from the redeemed? How do we grow a bigger view of God? How does your faulty thinking get corrected?
2. How does the Gospel transform us so that our knee-jerk response is praise not blame? How can we live steady in an unsteady world with an unsteady heart and mind? How do we bridge the gap between our theology (truth about God) and our doxology (praise to God)?
3. What have you found helps you fix your eyes on Jesus rather than yourself? How do the Word, prayer, fellowship, witnessing, and going through hard times factor in? What is your greatest deficiency in giving glory to God and what has been your greatest victory?
4. How can you, individually and with your family and friends, practice praising God for His ultimate glory this week in your heart, words, and actions? How does this change your attitude and perspective towards things and people you don’t like? How can it change your whole life?
other sermons in this series
Nov 24
Giving all the Glory to God - Romans 16:25-27
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Romans 16:25–27 Series: Romans
Nov 17
Nov 10
Gospel Partnership, Family Love Romans 16:1-16
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Romans 16:1–16 Series: Romans