Be Joyful!
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Living in Light of Dying Topic: Be Joyful! Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:7–10
- How is Biblical joy different than what you have historically understood it to be?
- Why is Biblical joy so freeing and earthly joy so enslaving?
- Is it possible to enjoy earthbound joys and still worship God?
- How does God’s beautiful, overriding, abiding, God-centered joy, thrill, encourage, and strengthen human hearts?
- Why is joy necessary to our flourishing now as we live in light of dying?
other sermons in this series
May 2
Everyone’s Ultimate Duty
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:13–14 Series: Living in Light of Dying
Apr 25
The Perfect Word of God
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:9–12 Series: Living in Light of Dying
Apr 18
Remember God Before It’s Too Late
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:2–8 Series: Living in Light of Dying