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December 11, 2022

His [Startling] Incarnation

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: The True Messiah Topic: His [Startling] Incarnation Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

Sermon Application Questions:

  1. What is the significance of the one verse announcement of the Virgin Birth? 
  2. What was wise about Joseph’s initial solution (vv18-19)?
  3. Why did Joseph need to obey God’s instructions?
  4. How does Joseph’s response to God’s plan illustrate true saving faith?

other sermons in this series

Dec 25


His [Sovereign] Glory

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Luke 2:21–35 Series: The True Messiah

Dec 18


His [Sinister] Opposition

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 2:1–23 Series: The True Messiah

Dec 4


His [Sinful] Family Tree

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 1:1–17 Series: The True Messiah