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February 19, 2023

Adopted to Praise God’s Glorious Grace

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Glorious Grace Topic: Adopted to Praise God’s Glorious Grace Passage: Ephesians 1:5–6

Sermon Application Questions:

  1. Why did God adopt us?
  2. What Old or New Testament examples help us understand what God did in adopting us?
  3. How does adoption set us free from the devil?
  4. Describe God’s joy in adopting His children into His family. 
  5. What was God’s goal in adopting? 
  6. How can we best praise God’s glory?
  7. What is so significant about God blessing us by His glorious grace in Christ?

other sermons in this series

Jan 5


Imitate God & Walk in Love

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 5:1 Series: Glorious Grace

Nov 10


Forgiving The One Who Sinned Against You

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 4:31–32 Series: Glorious Grace