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October 8, 2023

Purifying Hope

Speaker: Michael Sciarra Series: Guest Speaker Topic: Purifying Hope Passage: 1 John 3:1–3

  1. How does the reality of your adoption by God cause you to praise him?

  2. In what ways can you pursue a clear sight of God this week? 

  3. Share one practical way you aim to grow in holiness, so that you “purify yourself,” this week? 

other sermons in this series

Jan 26


Making Great Commission Waves as a Local Church

Speaker: Mike Yoder Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10 Series: Guest Speaker

Mar 3


The Dark hour of the Soul

Speaker: Newton Chilingulo Passage: Job 3:1–26 Series: Guest Speaker

Jan 28


The Gospel & The Great Commission

Speaker: Mike Yoder Passage: Romans 1:1–6 Series: Guest Speaker