The Cross & The Power of God
Speaker: Connor Hass Series: Associate Pastors Topic: The Cross & the Power of God Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18–25
- What happens to an individual believer or church community when the message of Christ crucified loses centrality? Why is that such a dangerous place to be?
- How has God produced humility in your life as you have embraced the message of the cross?
- What implications does 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 have for our evangelistic efforts? In what ways might we be tempted to “empty the cross of its power” by making our message more palatable to unbelievers?
- Do you have any practical wisdom to share about how God has helped you remember the centrality of the cross and experience the power of the gospel in your life? Be as practical as possible!
other sermons in this series
May 26
Proclaiming The Cross With Power
Speaker: James Holt Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:1–5 Series: Associate Pastors
May 19
Consider Your Calling
Speaker: Andrew McNeill Series: Associate Pastors
Nov 5
Sibling Rivalry & Redemption
Speaker: James Holt Passage: Genesis 4:1, Genesis 44:1 Series: Associate Pastors