Proclaiming The Cross With Power
Speaker: James Holt Series: Topical Topic: Proclaiming The Cross With Power Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:1–5
- How does the power of the Cross affect the message we proclaim?
- How does the power of the Cross affect the messenger as he proclaims it?
- In what ways does pride work its way into how we proclaim the Gospel or evaluate others message and methods?
- What are ways we try to distinguish ourselves in our message and method of proclaiming the Cross?
- Have you been tempted to change the message to please others at the expense of the Gospel?
- How can you reflect trust and belief in the message of Christ Crucified when sharing the gospel?
- What method do you use to share/proclaim the gospel?
other sermons in this series
Oct 13
The Beauty of the Lord
Speaker: Brian Zuniga Passage: Psalm 27:1–14 Series: Topical
Sep 1
Growing in Humility
Speaker: Connor Hass Passage: 1 Peter 5:5–7 Series: Topical
Aug 25
The Hope & Glory of the Gospel
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Romans 8:18–25 Series: Topical