As the Truth is in Jesus
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Glorious Grace Topic: As the Truth is in Jesus Passage: Ephesians 4:21
Sermon Application Questions:
- What does it mean to have heard about Christ? What is the accurate messaging?
- What is the content of being taught in Christ? Are you really still open to being taught?
- Jesus is the truth and the truth is in Jesus. What does that mean precisely?
- In what ways should truth shape our lives?
other sermons in this series
Oct 6
Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 4:30 Series: Glorious Grace
Sep 29
No Rotten Word
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 4:29 Series: Glorious Grace
Sep 22
Stop Stealing & Work Hard
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 4:28 Series: Glorious Grace