Hope in the Coming King
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Gospel Hope in the Promised Son Topic: Hope Passage: Psalm 2:6–7
- In what ways do people blaspheme God and foolishly presume to set themselves over Him?
- What is God’s ongoing response to prideful rebellion against Him?
- What judgment does God reserve for those who refuse to bow to the King of kings?
- How does the Kingship of Christ fulfill prophecy and how does His Kingship transform your life practically?
- What difference does reverentially acknowledging Christ make and what blessings are promised to those who take refuge in Him?
other sermons in this series
Dec 29
Hope in the Son of Man
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Daniel 7:13–14 Series: Gospel Hope in the Promised Son
Dec 22
Hope in the Son of Righteousness
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Malachi 4:1–6 Series: Gospel Hope in the Promised Son
Dec 8
Hope in the Prophet Like Moses
Speaker: James Holt Passage: Deuteronomy 18:15 Series: Gospel Hope in the Promised Son