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December 22, 2024

Hope in the Son of Righteousness

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Gospel Hope in the Promised Son Topic: Hope Passage: Malachi 4:1–6

  1. How did God’s people respond to the silent 400 years after God’s glory departed the temple? 
  2. How is Christ being the promised Son of Righteousness fulfilled in the gospel?
  3. Why should believers be so thankful for the day of the Lord?
  4. How did John the Baptist turn the hearts of children to fathers and vice versa?
  5. How does the gospel reverse the curse of Eden and restore the earth to God‘s glorious design?
  6. How might you describe your hope as you await God’s promises being fulfilled?

other sermons in this series

Dec 29


Hope in the Son of Man

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Daniel 7:13–14 Series: Gospel Hope in the Promised Son