God’s Truth for Trying Times - 5/12/20


God’s Truth for Trying Times - 5/12/20


We need God’s truth in trying times. Read the Scripture passage, think about what it is saying, then pray; by yourself or with your household. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly (Col. 3:16).


READ: Col. 3:11


“Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.” (Colossians‬ ‭3:11‬)


CONSIDER: People have misused this verse (especially it’s parallel counterpart in Galatians 3:28) for many years to justify a view of the roles of men and women that is not accurate. It has been used to perpetuate an egalitarian views that the Bible does not teach. Men and women, and all people, are equally guilty before a holy God because of their sin. Saying that there is not Greek or Jew, and the rest, basically means that God makes no distinction in ethnicity or background when it comes to salvation. That doesn’t mean that there is no difference between any of these things. It means that it makes no difference in terms of who can be saved, all those who have been chosen before the foundation of the world, Jew and Greek, will be saved.


THINK: What does this declare about God? What are God’s people being called to do? What assurance is given? How does the Word of God transform our hearts and lives and relationships?


PRAY:‬‬ Pray these verses to God as a prayer. Pour out your heart in praise to God. Pray for others. Present needs to Him.