Needing April Showers

"I will make them and the places surrounding My hill (Jerusalem) a blessing; and I will send showers to come in their season; there shall be showers of blessings." Ezek. 34: 26 NIV

"Dry farmers" are greatly dependent upon April showers for the planting season. If the rains don't come when needed, the harvest will be scarce. Our parched souls also need the showers of God's blessing if we are to bear much fruit. God through Ezekiel, the prophet, had just rebuked the leadership of Israel for neglecting and fleecing the people. He then announces there is a coming Shepherd who will ascend to the throne of David, gather His people from the ends of the earth, and as Messiah and King, bless them extravagantly. Now and in the future, the showers of blessing come from the Lord. We welcome His opening the windows of heaven.

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