Paul's Former Life

"I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief." 1 Tim. 1:13 KJV

Paul did not nor could he speak well of his pre-conversion life. He realized in hindsight that his persecution of Jesus and His followers was wicked conduct that slandered God. In ignorance, he who was committed to keeping the letter of the law was by his actions violating all of the Ten Commandments. In his relationship with God, he surely broke the first four commandments, and in relationship to his fellow man he broke the last six, all the time mistakenly thinking he was serving God. He obtained mercy not because he was innocent, which he never claimed, but because in ignorance he could not grasp the truth of the gospel of Christ. Let's keep repeating the message; some like Paul in time will come to faith in Christ.

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