His [Sovereign] Glory

December 25, 2022 Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: The True Messiah

Topic: His [Sovereign] Glory Passage: Luke 2:21–35

Sermon Application Questions:

  1. Why is the birth of Christ so significant and why is it dangerous to ignore the reason Christ came to earth? 
  2. How does the incarnation display the glory of God?
  3. How are you tempted to get lost in the wrappings and trappings of Christmas and miss the main point?
  4. What is your prayer life like around Christmas time and how can you pour out your heart to God in prayer and petition more frequently?
  5. How does God’s dealings with Simeon and his response to God illustrate true saving faith?

More in The True Messiah

December 18, 2022

His [Sinister] Opposition

December 11, 2022

His [Startling] Incarnation

December 4, 2022

His [Sinful] Family Tree