Baptism is a visible sign given by Jesus Christ to the church to indicate that an individual has trusted Him for salvation and entered into membership in His body. If you are a believer in Christ—if you have trusted in Him for the forgiveness of sins and now follow Him as Savior and Lord—you should be baptized in obedience to Him. This is a wonderful thing! Baptism represents the glorious and gracious work that God has done in your life in drawing you to Christ and giving you new life in him. Baptism is a joyful experience for anyone who has trusted in Christ.
If you desire to be baptized at Grace, the steps below outline the process which you should walk through. If at any point you have questions, please reach out to a pastor by contacting the church office (contact information is listed at the very bottom of the page).
Baptism Process
1. Express your interest in baptism by filling out this form. A pastor will reach out to you shortly after it is received to schedule an in-person meeting.
2. Read through our Baptism Basics document. When you meet with a pastor, you will walk through this document in greater detail.
3. Write out your personal testimony of God's work in your life and submit it online. You will talk through your testimony in greater detail when you meet with a pastor.
4. Meet with a pastor. After meeting with a pastor, if it seems like it is the right time to go forward with baptism, you will receive more details about the day of your baptism and things will move forward from there.
We are excited that you are thinking about being baptized in obedience to Christ. We will be praying for you as you walk through the steps above!