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What I personally have learned from Romans 9:19–21.

These verses display God’s unchanging character and works, so that I am amazed in His presence, worship Him, delight in Him, and serve Him with my whole heart. 

By God’s Grace, I will humbly ask but never arrogantly question God. I will accept from God’s hand pain as a kind teacher, knowing my future is bright because my Savior is faithful.

By God’s grace, I will patiently work with those who oppose God. As 2 Timothy 2:25 says with gentleness correcting those in opposition that God may grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth.

By God’s grace, I will trust the Potter who saved me with every ounce of my life. Enjoying Him with all my strength. Jonathan Edwards said, “the enjoyment of him is our highest happiness, and is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied.”

We glorify God by believing His Word, speaking well of Him, and accepting His ways and decrees.