A Word of Encouragement
October 19, 2012Everyone loves encouragement. Everyone needs it too. I want to commend the people of Grace Orange for the many things I see them doing right, the things the Holy Spirit is doing in and through us. I get to serve such an Awesome God and pastor such an awesome group of people.
So, Grace Orange, this is for you.
You care for each other. You willingly sacrifice. You go out of your way to help others. You give your time, talents and treasure to serve the Lord and bless those you know and don't know. You welcome strangers. You refresh the saints. You forgive. You give stuff away. You cook. You clean. You build. You watch people's kids. You love. You preach the gospel to yourself and others. You weep with the weeping and rejoice with the rejoicing. You empathize. You trust Jesus. You love God's Word.
It is such a joy and blessing to see Christ's Church "walking in the truth" (3 John 4). That is what you are doing. I've seen real life examples of all these and more. Praise God.
All praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in Scripture alone, for God's glory alone.
Jesus loves you!
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