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You’re homebound now. If it’s not a regular occurrence you might be getting cabin fever. If you’re not used to it you might be getting annoyed with one another. Especially when the schedule gets so upended. What can you do?

What are some homebound helps, relationally, and for devotional times? Can you really be at peace or read the Bible together even after an argument or there’s tension in the house? Let’s get real.

I want to give you some help today. Some wise Biblical advice and some helpful resources. Things you can do relationally and devotionally today to sustain day after day. That’s what this post is about.

Relationally, Be Patient and Kind

It is entirely possible to do the Christian life in your home. How do I know? Because God gave us His inspired, inerrant, infallible Word that fits in every generation, culture, and geographical location. It fits in every situation.

The Word of God contains ample help for relationships. I’ll prove it to you in one verse. Let’s just go micro with Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” It's pretty self-explanatory. But, let me just break that down for you a bit more.

Kind means useful, worthy, good, benevolent. 

Tenderhearted literally means to have healthy bowels! The inward organs were considered the seat of emotion and intention. Compassion and sympathy are synonyms.

Forgiving means to exercise grace in freely forgiving and letting things go. When offended, think through the Gospel, apply it to your own heart, and then realize your tendency to be harsh, unforgiving, and unbending. Then let the offense go.

Relationally, be patient and kind.

Devotionally, Be Intentional and Consistent

Sometimes it takes a jolt to the schedule to get us to see the worth in doing something we know is good but haven’t included in our daily life: Family devotions… Family worship… Family time daily in the Word and prayer.

Many men have asked me over the years how they can faithfully lead their families spiritually. It is simple. And hard. First, you must intend to do it. Then, keep doing it. Do what?

Gather your family. Read the Bible. Pray. Sing.

Now, how do you do homebound family devotions “right”? There’s no secret recipe. It takes pure motives and steady focus. You want to honor God and lead your family spiritually. The motive must be to honor God and get the Word into your household. Systematically. Regularly. Consistently. Faithfully.

The focus is not just doing something, but doing something of eternal value that pleases God. Psalm 1 says the godly meditate on the Word of God day and night. Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 78, Ephesians 6, and Colossians 3, all give a picture of household daily family evangelism and discipleship. Daily Family Worship if you will. Worshiping God together as a household on the daily.

It is so foreign sounding because it has been completely ignored by many. That’s like leaving out a major ingredient, like sugar, in cookies. 

It’s not brain surgery, it’s not rocket science, and it’s not easy.

We are afraid to open up the Bible and pray with those we are closest to. It exposes us as frail, flawed, faulty humans. It exposes relational issues. That’s just the point. It humbles us. That’s how you do family devotions right. You approach it humbly, wanting to honor God. 

With that, I’ll close by saying I’m praying for you and I know this isn’t easy. God never said the Christian life would be easy. But he did say it would be abundant. Full to overflowing with his blessing. We don’t know what the immediate future holds but we know who holds the future: God Almighty on the throne.

To sum it up, while homebound, and really all the time, Relationally, be patient and kind; Devotionally, be intentional and consistent.

Here are two excellent resources:

They are being offered free right now because of the current situation.

One from Ligonier Ministries. All their teaching series are now free to stream. Check it out here:

The other from Tim Challies, highlighting Zondervan’s MasterLectures series. Check it out here:

Don’t forget, your best resource is you and your household gathering around the Word of God, reading it, praying together, and lifting your hearts up in praise to God. 

Remember Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Our triune God has this under control. Rest in Christ today.