Praying and Waiting Expectantly on God to Act
October 4, 2015We don't make God do anything. God does as He pleases. He acts according to His sovereign good pleasure and perfect will. And He expects us to pray and wait expectantly on Him to act. True. He taught us to pray "Your kingdom come, Your will be done" (Matthew 6:10). So where does praying and waiting expectantly for Him to act come in?
It is really at the heart of prayer. It is the nature of true prayer, directed to God, dependent on God, desiring for God's will, that is the issue. It is a heart issue. God desires for us to come to him dependently and expectantly. He would be an unkind Father if He asked us to ask Him and didn't plan on doing anything in response.
How did James put it in James 4:2-3? "You have not because you ask not. And you ask and do not receive because you ask with wrong motives." So it is abundantly clear that we need to ask with right motives. The motive part, The reason and agenda behind our praying, is probably our toughest challenge. "Lord, purify my motives. May I purely desire only what You desire and decree."
Knowing that Jesus, by redeeming me by His shed blood, on my behalf, has purchased the privilege of me coming boldly to God's throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need, I deeply desire to pray and wait expectantly on God to act. And whatever He does is good and is to be received with gratitude.
Soli Deo Gloria
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