Fridays from 6:30-8:00 am in the MPR
Men need to be equipped for life and leadership, to sacrificially serve Jesus in the church, home, and community. We will do this through the preaching of God’s Word, prayer, and relationship-based discipleship. Join us for Bibles, Brothers and Burritos
Quarterly Men's Even Saturday, December 14. 8am - 11am
Sign up today!
Friday mornings, 6:30-8:00 amLocation: Meeting in the MPR
- On break until Jan 17 -
No sign up is necessary.
If you are unable to join in-person, you can tune into the Livestream!
Men's Retreat 2024 Sessions
10.11.24 - Connor Hass
10.12.24 - Mike Sciarra
10.12.24 - Andrew McNeill
10.13.24 - James Holt
Jesus is Better - Men of the Word Fall 2024 Study in Hebrews
11.22.24 - Our Perfect High Priest
11.15.24 - The Believers Rest & Communion With God
11.08.24 - Lessons From Jonah
11.01.24 - Hearing God's Voice
10.25.24 - Jesus is The Builder
10.18.24 - Christ: The Author of Salvation
10.04.24 - The Preeminence of Christ
09.27.24 - Jesus is Better
09.21.24 - Men's Fall Kickoff - Jordan Baker
Various Messages from Men of the Word 2024
05.24.24 - Practice Handling the Word
05.17.24 - Principles for Reading Proverbs
05.10.24 - Old Testament Fun-Visions Sorcery, Conspiracy, Murder & Errant Arrows
05.03.24 - Tips For Enjoying the Old Testament
04.26.24 - The Biblical Case for God's Voice
04.19.24 - The Authority of Scripture
04.12.24 - Handling the Word Accurately
03.15.24 - The Battle for the Mind
03.01.24 - The Great Need of This Hour
Eternal Glory - Men of the Word Fall 2023 Study in 2 Corinthians
02.23.24 - A Fitting Conclusion
02.16.24 - The Test That Counts
02.09.24 - Spending & Being Spent For Souls
02.02.24 - The Needed Boast
01.26.24 - Boasting at it's Best
01.19.24 - Dealing With the Danger of Deception
11.17.23 - Giving Like God
11.10.23 - The Integrity of Our Commitments
11.03.23 - The Handbone is Connected to the Heart
10.27.23 - Godly Grief & True Repentance
10.20.23 - Yolkfolk
10.13.23 - It's Not Me, It's You
09.22.23 - Pardoning the Sinner & Preaching Christ
09.15.23 - Change of Plans? Stay Fixed on Jesus
09.09.23 - Men's Fall Kick Off | Eternal Glory
Men of the Word - Spring 2023
06.02.23 - Living the Selfless Life
05.26.23 - How to be a Selfish Jerk
05.19.23 - Selfishness & It's Misery
05.12.23 - Selfishness & It's Remedy
05.04.23 - Gluttony, Greed & Gossip: Gossip
04.28.23 - Gluttony, Greed & Gossip: Greed
04.21.23 - Gluttony, Greed & Gossip: Gluttony
03.31.23 - The Absolute Necessity of the Holy Spirit
03.24.23 - True Repentance
03.10.23 - The Mission Big Enough to Live For
03.03.23 - The Portrait of a Spiritually Healthy Man
02.24.23 - A Heart For Gods Glory Among the Nations
02.17.23 - Set Your Mind on Things Above
02.10.23 - A Tale of Two Cities
02.03.23 - The Heart of a True Leader
01.27.23 - The Stamp of Sovereign Grace
01.20.23 - What About Freewill?
01.13.23 - Every Spiritual Blessing
01.06.23 - The Leader, His Bible, & Prayer
Men of the Word - Fall 2022
12.09.22 - God's Unsearchable Greatness
12.02.22 - Aspiring to Lead
11.18.22 - True Rest in a Restless World
11.11.22 - Let The Nations Be Glad
11.04.22 - The Portrait of a Leader
10.28.22 - A Lifetime of Prep
10.21.22 - The Heritage of the Redeemed
Don't Cave! Standing Strong on Unpopular Truths
2/12/21 Week 1
Systematic Theology
Prolegomena (Notes)
God's Word part 1 (Notes)
God's Word part 2 (Notes)
God's Word part 3
Theology Proper/God the Father
The Doctrine of God pt. 1 (Notes)
The Doctrine of God pt. 2 (Notes)
The Doctrine of God pt. 3 (Notes)
The Doctrine of God pt. 4 (Notes)
Christology: Theology of the Son
Psalm 110
Christology Intro
Christ in the Old Testament
Finding Balance: Living a Disciplined Life while Growing in Christ
Finding Balance: Time and Eternity
Finding Balance: Work and Leisure
Finding Balance: Eating and Sleeping
Finding Balance: Exercise and Rest
Experiencing Union with Christ
Titus: Life and Leadership in Christ's Church
Titus 3:12-15 Engaging in God-Glorifying Good Deeds to Meet Pressing Needs
Titus 3:1-7 How Does the Bible Prepare Us for Every Good Work?