January 17, 2010
Two Kinds of People: Are You Genuine?
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Topic: Matthew: Following The King Passage: Matthew 7:21–7:23
Two Kinds of People: Are You Genuine? (Matthew 7:21-23)
Discussion Questions?:
- What positive things can you identify about the people Jesus calls evildoers?
- What do they lack and why is it so important?
- In what ways do people delude themselves into thinking they are Christians when they are not?
- In what ways do we try to justify ourselves in God’s sight?
- How do you know if you are really a Christian?
- How does understanding the message of Matthew 7:21-23 change the way you deal with people you see each day but may overlook, ignore, or take for granted?
- Who are you praying for that has not yet come to faith in Christ?