SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 4 Courage
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: SENT Passage: Matthew 10:24–10:33
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World: Pt. 4 Courage (Matthew 10:24-33)
Discussion Questions:
Read Matthew 10:24-33
- What kind of treatment ought we to expect as Christ's representatives in the world?
- What might cause Christ's followers to fear?
- What are signs of fear of God? What are the signs of fear of man?
- Jesus says we are of more value than many sparrows, of what value are we to God? Why?
- What is the relationship between our acknowledgment of Christ before people and Christ's acknowledgment of us before the Father?
other sermons in this series
Nov 7
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 6 Reward
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 10:40–10:42 Series: SENT
Oct 31
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 5 Crucifixion
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 10:34–10:39 Series: SENT
Oct 17
SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World Pt. 3 - Caution
Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Matthew 10:16–10:23 Series: SENT