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October 24, 2010

SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World - Pt. 4 Courage

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: SENT Passage: Matthew 10:24–10:33

SENT: Being Christ-Centered People in a Hostile World: Pt. 4 Courage (Matthew 10:24-33)

Discussion Questions:

Read Matthew 10:24-33

  1. What kind of treatment ought we to expect as Christ's representatives in the world?
  2. What might cause Christ's followers to fear?
  3. What are signs of fear of God? What are the signs of fear of man?
  4. Jesus says we are of more value than many sparrows, of what value are we to God? Why?
  5. What is the relationship between our acknowledgment of Christ before people and Christ's acknowledgment of us before the Father?

other sermons in this series

Nov 7


Oct 31


Oct 17