Swerving and Upset: When Someone You Love Leaves the Faith

September 3, 2023 Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Faithful Words

Topic: Swerving and Upset Passage: 2 Timothy 2:20– 4:5

Sermon Application Questions:

  1. Why is it so necessary to connect relationally with everyone in the church and make sure that we know each professing believer’s testimony, and have confidence in their faith? 
  2. Why do we have such an issue with gently correcting others? Is this only the job of pastor/elders (Titus 1:9)? Why or why not?
  3. According to our passage, how do you know if you should keep correcting (2 Tim. 2:25) someone or avoid them (2 Tim. 3:5)?
  4. What kind of response or treatment should you expect when you correct someone who has swerved from the faith (2 Tim. 3:12-13)?
  5. What needs to be done to restore those caught in sin (2 Tim. 2:25; 3:5, 16; 4:2-5; Gal. 6:1-10)?

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