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April 21, 2024

No Longer Children

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Glorious Grace Topic: No Longer Children Passage: Ephesians 4:13–14

Sermon Application Questions:

  1. What are the most common things that tend to keep a group of believers childish and not growing up in Christ? 
  2. What kinds of false ideas are Christians latching onto today and are they primarily coming from the world or professing believers?
  3. What are the signs of Christian maturity and who is the Judge of that? (Please give chapter and verse, in context, according to author’s intent)

other sermons in this series

Jan 5


Imitate God & Walk in Love

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 5:1 Series: Glorious Grace

Nov 10


Forgiving The One Who Sinned Against You

Speaker: Mike Sciarra Passage: Ephesians 4:31–32 Series: Glorious Grace