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Last week I Invited the people of Grace Orange to join me on a 90 day spiritual exercise of taking back our lives from the sticky web of hypocrisy. I want us to enter into a season of honest self-reflection; not a quick fix, but a process of the sanctifying work of the Spirit of God. I want us to trust the Spirit of God to search and sift our hearts as the mirror of God's Word reveals our true selves and His glory to us. God wants us to be real, honest followers of Christ. 

There are things authentic Christians are and do that are in sharp contrast with those who merely pretend to follow. This Sunday I will be preaching part 2 of "Seven Words, Seven Woes". Building on Matt. 23:1-12 (How NOT to be a Hypocrite), we will be looking at Woe #1 (Matt. 23:13): Jesus' word to door-closers.