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A New Year's Poem

What might I say to end the year?
Wish to all good health and cheer?
Of course, and it is from the soul,
I want God's best for all I know.

But what of those still in the dark?
In whose hearts is not a spark
Of life to God or love to man?
They dwell in the shadowlands.

For them I pray for a turning,
For escape from the burning,
For rescue from their misery,
For peace that lasts for eternity.

For all I know to know the Savior,
To be secure and in His favor,
Believing the good news will win,
Assured of forgiveness from sin.

That is my deepest desire for all,
To bow to Jesus, obeying His call,
Receiving endless merciful grace,
One day to see Him face to face.

Michael W. Sciarra, 12/31/12.