One very important lesson I have learned over the years I have been a follower of Christ and a student of the Scriptures is this: Don't trust yourself because your heart is desperately wicked and warped and prone to wander in every direction but the right one. As Proverbs 3:5–6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Amen. So true.
Get very specific about it: Avail yourself of the shed blood of Christ and the forgiveness that Jesus offers due to His death on the cross. And do not attempt to go it alone. Seek wise counsel from trusted friends who know you and hold to the Truth. God is sovereign and if you want to avoid crash and burns, trust Him preeminently, and trust Him to use the people He has providentially placed in your life. Things just go better that way.
I am so thankful for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and for the people He has put in my life who are not afraid to tell me the truth about myself as they see it. Because their vantage point is usually a lot better than mine. Their perspective is not warped. It might be warped about themselves, but that's why they need me in their life. God has so ordained life in the body of Christ that we desperately need each other. Sharing the Word of God, trusting the Spirit of God, to bless the people of God, using us as instruments in the Redeemer's hand, all for the glory of God.
1 Comment
Ryan WAtson Oct 23, 2015 @ 7:32 pm
I am in the same boat. I get "warped" in my thinking. And I "leak" in the the things I ought to know. Thanks for the godly reminder.
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