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As we live a Christ-honoring life…

Pure gospel living looks different than posing for pictures
It stands in stark contrast to life lived under lights
A sovereign God changes our motives
The authoritative Word renews our minds

The Gospel changes you such that you do not cry for attention
You don’t need to be seen or build your brand
You don’t need to post up every syllable and calorie
You humbly live life with those God gave you to walk with

Earthly ambition gets in the way of humility
Deafening desire for accolades drowns out the Word
Persistent pleasure seeking kills fellowship
We are left dragging malnourished souls around

We must look to Jesus, remembering His sacrifice
We must fix our eyes on Him, resting in His glory
We must trust the One sent for our freedom
We must worship our leader and Savior, who came

Not crying for attention, pouring out precious blood
Not needing to be seen, simply sin forgiving
Not seeking the crowd’s applause, freely substituting
Not bowing to the world, sovereignly ruling over all.