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Welcome to life under the sun. In a season of international pandemic, we now face national waves of injustice and unrest. We are seeing what an invisible virus can do. And every day, we are seeing what sin in human hearts can do. Our only hope is Jesus Christ and His transforming grace. Lord, have mercy on us.

In light of what is going on, every Christian should lament and weep. However you respond, don’t sin against God or man. Our hearts are mired in sin. Our selfishness, annoying. Our judgment, razor sharp. Our hatred, thinly veiled. Our biases, hard to hide. We must confess and repent, praying for God’s mercy.

Condemning others, falsely judging, unrighteous anger, other sinful choices, have no place in a Christian’s life. See and feel everything through the filter of God’s Word of truth. Be angered by what angers God and rejoice in what brings Him joy. Let our attitudes, emotions, and actions be governed by submission to God‘s Word.

Blessed are the merciful. May Jesus be honored and people loved. May Gospel truth go forth with clarity, kindness, and boldness from us. One day, every wrong will be made right, every crooked thing made straight, every injustice rectified. Until that day, may we do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).