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“A Christian’s Prayer for True Love”


In a season of international pandemic, we now face national waves of injustice and unrest. We are seeing what an invisible virus can do. And every day, we are seeing what sin in human hearts can do.

Jesus loves you because He made you, chose you, and saved you; not because of your good behavior.

Love Initiates Friendly Engagement. A good way of life.

Why is Christmas so hard when you have lost a loved one or gone through some other huge relational pain? Because you love.

Loving people like Jesus loves us leaves lots of room for understanding before evaluation and curbs our tendency to blast others.

I'm finishing 1 Peter this Sunday. Preaching 1 Peter 5:12

1 Peter 4:8 calls for costly love. It takes courage and a fixation on the Cross of Christ.

This agape is not sentimental fluff, but a substance found only in the truly converted, which springs forth in humble outbursts of gospel-infused sacrificial service for, to, and through, Jesus.

God brings about a beautiful change and resulting commitment to His family, in the lives of all He has chosen.

What can you do out of a heart of loving devotion to Jesus?