The undermining and ignoring of Biblical preaching in the American church today is a travesty. The lack of value put on Christ-centered, Biblically-accurate, theologically-grounded, life-engaging preaching, reduces many churches to mere social clubs.
When preaching is biblically shaky and theologically slippery, churches become shallow and self-centered. There may be lots of activity, but when God and the Bible are pushed to the margins there won't be kingdom productivity. Without confidence in and commitment to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, we are rudderless.
Without biblical preaching (Gospel proclamation) a church ceases to be a church. Preaching is essential to the very DNA of a local expression of Christ’s body.
D. Martin Lloyd-Jones said, "To me the work of preaching is the highest and greatest and most glorious calling to which anyone can be called. I would say without any hesitation that the most urgent need in the Christian Church today is true preaching."
2 Timothy 4:1-5 is just as applicable today as it was when the Holy Spirit first spoke it.
Christ-centered Preaching is Spirit Empowered Proclamation.
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