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God proclaims grace to broken, breaking, bending, beloved, beautiful hearts. It is costly, painful, eternal, and free. He saves and secures suffering souls. He applies essential truth and meets the deepest need in Christ.

The undermining and ignoring of Biblical preaching in the American church today is a travesty.

Preaching God's Word is a holy privilege, a truly weighty calling.

Reformation and Revival is marked by true preaching.

Preaching is almost an alien activity. We get up, frail humans holding the perfect Word of God, trusting God to do something that we could never do.

It's easy to only think of preaching's effect as what happens afterwards, but what about the actual preaching moment? The preaching moment is the most crucial and significant.

Often times, believers get really nervous when they hear that they are to preach the Gospel. It should be encouraging to know that there are two kinds of preaching in the book of Acts that believers today ought to engage in as well. Two kinds of preaching means twice as much God-ordained fun.

Preaching and teaching the Word of God is not about trying to get Christians to...

It takes timing, desire, and gospel truth to preach Jesus to people that you meet.

Tag-team preaching is not the norm. At best, it is a once-in-a-long-while way to present a unified front to a congregation and expose them to the entire pastor/elder leadership team in concentrated form. In the month of May at Grace Orange you'll hear our team preaching our new vision.

All people should turn from their sins and trust in Jesus Christ.